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An open letter to Charles Krauthammer, Fox News Analyst, You Must Never Ever Give Up!

UPDATE: JUNE 25, 2018

I read the news of Charles Krauthammer’s passing on June 21, 2018 and wondered if I should take down my open letter to him, (read it below this article) but decided to keep it up.  Here is my reasoning.

Just a few days prior on June 19th, I had read an article from one of my favorite health/medical newsletters –GreenMedInfo called PTSD: Pointing the Bone at Cancer Patients. The article was about post-traumatic stress disorder and how research confirms your doctors and your beliefs about them have incredible power over your health and outcome. I truly believe this and have written about it in my book – “Rowing through Cancer.”

Mr. Krauthammer stated in his farewell letter on June 8, 2018 that his doctors gave him at best two weeks to live.  He died 13 days later.  What would have happened if they didn’t tell him that?  We will never know.

So many people believe in what their doctors say and don’t believe in themselves and in Alternative Medicine, Prayers and Miracles.  Below is a clip taken from the article and I hope you will take the time and go read the entire article.  You may not be sick with disease now, but maybe someone you know is or will be. Putting on your battle armor and being prepared is key to healing and staying healthy!

Clips from the article – PTSD: Pointing the Bone at Cancer Patients Posted on: Tuesday, June 19th 2018

Written By: GreenMedInfo Research Group

© 2018 GreenMedInfo LLC This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter here”

 New research confirms your doctors — and your beliefs about them — have incredible power over your health destiny (if you let them). Cancer is perhaps the most traumatic diagnosis a person can experience in their lifetime. It’s no wonder many cancer patients live in fear that their cancer may not really be gone, or that it could return at any time. Like someone who surreptitiously “dodged a bullet” and can’t quite believe their luck, the physical body recovers but wounds remain in the psyche. The time has come for a radical transformation in the way that we understand, screen for, prevent, and treat cancer. We must step away from fear-based medicine and embrace the powerful healing possibilities latent in our bodies and minds. Studies like these prove there is a need for both the patient and the health professional to realize the preemptive power of the mind and emotions to affect — and in some cases determine — one’s health destiny. 

An open letter to Charles Krauthammer, Fox News Analyst, You Must Never Ever Give Up!

“My doctors tell me their best estimate is that I have only a few weeks left to live. This is the final verdict. My fight is over.”  (taken from his personal letter from Fox News)

Dear Mr. Krauthammer,

I had 5 cancer tumors appear within a month of a major surgery and was told to put my affairs in order.  One doctor told my husband there was no hope.  That was in October of 2011.  I lived cancer free for three years after going through hell and back (weekly chemotherapy for a year) and then suddenly my cancer returned and it was not a good prognosis.  The chemotherapy didn’t work this time around, and my only hope was surgery.  I went to doctors considered to be among the best in the world, and none of them gave me any real answers.

I did not take this lying down, and maybe because I am so stubborn, I told myself I would fight this to the bitter end.  But my mission was always to win.  And so, I did.  I gave up on main-stream medicine and turned to Integrative Medicine (Vitamin C Therapy, I-Therm treaments, Vitamins), a raw food diet and prayer.  I decided that I had to change my “LifeStyle.”  You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome.  My cancer is now gone and I continue to battle every day to keep my health.

You are a very smart man, and even though you have been given a death sentence, are you going to believe it?  Fight it!  Do the opposite of what you are doing now.  Start by seeing one or more Integrative Medicine doctors who can build up your immune system like they did for me.  Radically change your diet to eliminate all sugar and grains.  You have to get your body alkaline through eating lots of organic fresh greens and juices.

Doctors are not God. Their education gives them the information according to what they were taught, but they cannot tell you how long you have to live.  That’s educated opinion.  You must be your own advocate!  Go radical – Put your battle armor on and pick up your sword and fight!

All things are possible to God.  Believe you will be healed,

Alis Jordan

4 thoughts on “An open letter to Charles Krauthammer, Fox News Analyst, You Must Never Ever Give Up!”

  1. Alis… Saw the article in the Cortland Standard…..Happy Birthday!!! Couldn’t be happier to read the article and know that you have won a battle that I never knew you have endured! Welcome to Medicare… 65…what a journey you have been through! I’m still at the same address and would love to talk to you! All I can say is wow and I admire your positive attitude and that you challenged the medical world. Hope to hear from you……Cesca

    1. Hi Cesca!
      Thanks for the note. I will email you soon, I don’t have your address anymore. If you could save that article for me I would greatly appreciate it. I haven’t seen it, but the reporter Katie Kelsey was wonderful. Alis

  2. Alis – So many great messages are coming in regarding your Open Letter to Charles Krauthammer. Hopefully, may reach him and that your book, soon as it comes out can be sent to him if we can find
    how to do so.

  3. So true.

    I have known several individuals whose doctors told them they were going to die, so they accepted that as their verdict. And of course they passed on; their beliefs became their reality.

    Yet there are so many examples of those who defied the medical odds and beat the disease like you did. People need to know this so they have the courage to fight.

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