Blog Posts


Reflection is a likeness, a mirror image, a thought or expression.  I find myself always taking pictures of reflections.  I love the beauty of the image and it truly fascinates me.  I used to say they were like Rorschach tests, but lately I am feeling they are much more than that. We, as humans are …

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Blog Posts

Grain-Free and Happy

Since reading Undoctored and Wheat Belly, by cardiologist, Dr. William Davis, John and I decided to stop eating all grains!  If you read his books, you’ll understand how the human body wasn’t made to process grains. It just made total sense, and as you all know, I am into keeping my body and immune system strong …

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Blog Posts

High Hopes

I’ve been trimming a huge overgrown Viburnum hedge for weeks now.  I do a little at a time due to my time constraints with family and I also don’t want to freak my neighbors out—it’s their hedge.  Of course, I have their permission but it’s a drastic change for the better.  We all get a …

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